Sunday, February 13, 2011

"It's a game that can't be won, only played."

Well this week has been a humbling and amazing week for me. It's been tough emotionally, spiritually, and physically with work, Olivia, and just being me. But the one thing that remains the same, He is faithful in every detail. No matter how small or big, His goodness is unmeasurable. This week at Petra Boys, we started a one week series on Salvation and on the first day three players accepted Christ! It was so awesome to see their joy and happiness. I have been given an amazing opportunity to follow up with these guys, learn about their families, and their background. It really is amazing how God can use us as His vessels even in the midst of all our problems and issues. He still uses us for His glory.

The other area where I have seen God, is just in my every day need for strength. Olivia asked me the other day what my wake up routine is and honestly, it's an internal battle. I wake up and attempt to figure out what I need. If it's more rest, if my body is just gross from practice the day before and I didn't get the chance to shower before bed, or if I smell the sweet fragrance of Nairobi's finest coffee, Java, that's brewing and ready for me to consume. I don't talk to myself, I just see what I need in that moment and in that moment, that's when I realize just how much I NEED God if I'm going to get through the day.

The final area will probably come to you as a surprise, but it's how much I need God in my relationship with Olivia. The honeymoon stage is over in regards to me being in Kenya and both of us are getting into our routines, and it's hard to just "be" when your 4,500 miles away from the other person. Olivia is no longer going hiking in the Grand Canyon for Spring Break and there's so much of me that just wants to go and be with her. But sadly, that's not what can happen. What will happen is in 167 days, she will be arriving at the Nairobi Airport and I will be there to pick her up.

God is good, all the time. No matter the circumstances, no matter the outlook, He is constantly aware of what is happening around you and me. And the crazy thing is that He hears us. So whether I'm just missing Livs like a hippo needs water, or I'm just exhausted from the 14 hour work day that I just went through. All of it was because He planned it. It wasn't easy, but looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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