Thursday, June 14, 2012


If you're not following us on facebook or twitter then it probably feels like we've dropped off the face of the earth. In some respects, we have, but we're still here and enjoying Nairobi life! Speaking of that, I—Olivia--wanted to share with y'all a bit about what my job(s) and such look like. It is extremely different than what I was expecting when we first arrived in February but the Lord has been so SO faithful in providing for me, specifically. Hopefully this short clip will give you a better sense of what I'm doing and how to better pray for me.

We're really going to work on blogging more and keeping in touch as we have so many crazy things that have happened over the last 5 months! Often, it is very overwhelming and I don't know how to quite articulate what I'm seeing and feeling thus my absence on the blog. However, I'm finding myself much more settled here and able to articulate things a bit better for those of y'all back home so we'll see how it goes. 

Until next time, enjoy the video and please don't hesitate to ask any questions! I'm a counselor so I like to talk...a lot :)

Thankful for y'all!