Monday, January 3, 2011

So Long America

Well time has absolutely flown by and I am just amazed at how God has provided for me. When I told Stephen Rigby, general manager of the Nairobi City Stars, that I would take on this two year internship I had no idea what God had in store for me. It was the biggest leap of faith that I had ever taken because I had to raise my own support and do in a very short amount time. I asked Stephen when he would like me to be in Africa and he said as soon as possible. So through faith, we made January our goal. This all transpired mid July. Since that time, God has provided well over the financial support that I need for the next two years, as well as provide the other things that could have had glitches and set backs, such as my insurance, visa, and selling my car, but He provided.

Heading into this last week in the States is very bitter sweet because of two reasons. First, its super sweet because this whole adventure is my passion and never would I have guessed that I would ever be coaching internationally, let alone assisting a professional and semi-professional football (soccer) team. SHOOT! It's bitter because of all the things that I will be missing while I'm away. Two of my best friends are getting married, my sister's college graduation, Olivia's (my girlfriend) brother's wedding, my brother's high school graduation, just to name a few. Along with these things, I will be some 4,900 miles away from the one person that I want to share life with. I know the truths that God has me and Olivia in His hands, but putting these things that my heart desires on hold is definitely not an easy thing to do.

I am super excited about what the Lord has in store for me in Africa, for my personal/spiritual growth, and for my relationship with Olivia. Please keep me in your prayers as I adjust to a new culture, new routine, new everything. And thank you so much for the support, encouragement, and love that you have shown me through this transition. I honestly do not know where I would be without my friends and family in my life. Here's to an adventure and many stories, tall tales, and just plain awesomeness that will be coming your way over the next two years. Until next time, which I will be in Nairobi, stay classy.

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